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发表于 2024-5-22 07:05:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原创 Becky hydrogenfuelcellinfo

Coal vs methane vs water The future of hydrogen production
煤炭制氢 vs 甲烷制氢 vs 电解水制氢:成本分析
Hydrogen perspectives from Silicon Valley is a series by Karen Baert and Thilo Braun, MBA students at Stanford University, to shed light on trends and innovation in hydrogen. This is the second post in a series surveying the industry.
本文来自于斯坦福大学MBA学生Karen Baert 和 Thilo Braun系列文章。该文章旨在阐明氢能发展趋势和创新技术。本文是该系列文章的第二篇。
Humans have been producing hydrogen for hundreds of years. Today, more than 100 million metric tons of hydrogen are produced a year – enough to fill more than 500 million Olympic swimming pools at ambient pressure.
More than 95% of the hydrogen produced today is produced from fossil fuels, emitting almost 10kg of CO2 per kg of hydrogen produced. Why then is hydrogen considered a clean alternative to fossil fuels?
This article is focused on the supply side of hydrogen:
The colours of the hydrogen rainbow
Green: The promise of electrolysers
Green hydrogen cost: Why wind and solar energy change the equation
Green hydrogen cost: Carbon taxes will help favor green but won’t do it on their own
1. 氢的颜色表述:氢气彩虹
2. 绿色:电解槽的承诺
3. 绿氢成本-为什么风能和太阳可以改变进程
4. 绿氢成本:碳税将有利于绿氢,但不会主动进行
The colours of the hydrogen rainbow
Hydrogen comes in many different colors. You may have come across references to blue, green, turquoise, grey and maybe even gold hydrogen amongst other colors. If this leaves you confused, you are not alone.
The different colours are used to categorise different types of hydrogen production technologies. Hydrogen has been produced for centuries and is essential for our world today. Without it, most of us would not have any food on the table as hydrogen is an essential component in making fertiliser.
However, historically production has been from fossil fuels. The majority of hydrogen today is grey hydrogen, which is produced from natural gas through a process called steam methane reforming (SMR) or through coal gasification. Hydrogen produced through the gasification of coal is called brown or black hydrogen, using bituminous (black) or lignite (brown) coal.
A number of technologies have emerged that enable producing hydrogen with no or little carbon emissions including blue, green and turquoise hydrogen.
Blue hydrogen – a temporary stopgap
Blue means retrofitting existing plants with carbon capture and storage (CCS). This can be done on existing infrastructure with moderate investment costs. Starting at roughly $0.20 per kg hydrogen, CCS only adds a modest cost the output hydrogen.
A major concern with blue hydrogen is what to do with the captured CO2, with many geographies not being amenable to carbon sequestration. Furthermore, while high rates of carbon capture (90-95%) are possible, high throughput incentivises reducing the rate of capture. Nonetheless, there are a number of major blue hydrogen projects including Australia’s project to produce blue hydrogen from coal gasification for export to Japan. As it only leads to a partial GHG emission reduction, we see blue hydrogen primarily as a temporary solution to reduce the carbon impact of existing SMR facilities.
Turquoise – cheap gas
Turquoise is a relatively new process where methane pyrolysis is used to produce hydrogen. The input is methane (or natural gas) which is easy to come by. Rather than CO2, the process creates carbon black as a by-product. Unlike CO2, carbon black is a solid product and hence easy to capture and use or sequester. Carbon black in turn is used to produce the rubber for tires amongst other applications, giving it resale value rather than being a pure waste product.
While the process itself does not emit any greenhouse gas emissions, there is a risk from upstream emissions. Methane leaks in the process can lead to significant lifecycle emissions. As long as this is managed (which we know how to do, verified by companies like Project Canary), turquoise hydrogen is a strong contender for producing clean hydrogen at economically attractive prices in the short term.
虽然该生产过程不会排放任何温室气体,但其上游存在排放风险。在生产过程中甲烷泄漏会带来明显的生命周期排放。只要这一点可得到管理(我们知道如何做到这点,已由Project Canary等公司验证)绿松石氢在短期内可以是以具有经济效益生产清洁氢的有力竞争技术。
Green hydrogen
Green hydrogen is produced using water electrolysis and electricity. As long as the electricity is renewable, green hydrogen has no associated carbon emissions. The main challenge green hydrogen production faces today is cost – as these fall it will be increasingly broadly adopted. Nevertheless, the prospect of producing hydrogen with only water and green electricity as input and no greenhouse gas emissions is very promising. We believe green hydrogen will be the dominant production path in most regions worldwide and we will focus the remainder of this article on green hydrogen technologies and their economics.
The best of the rest
Before diving into green hydrogen production, a number of other processes are worth mentioning.
Recently, there has been talk of natural reservoirs of hydrogen. The so called ‘gold hydrogen’ can be pumped out of the ground in a fashion similar to natural gas extraction today. To date, little is known about gold hydrogen, and more research is required before we will see it at scale.
Another form of hydrogen production is waste-to-hydrogen. Rather than burning biomass waste or putting it in a landfill, it can be used to produce comparatively cheap clean hydrogen. This is a relatively messy and complex process, but the economics do make it attractive as a part of the solution. We don’t expect waste-to-hydrogen to become dominant, but do see potential for it to take a noticeable share of clean hydrogen production in the next 15-10 years.

Green: The promise of electrolysis
Electrolysis is a decade old technology – dating as far back as 1800. However, to date, it has been too expensive to compete with grey hydrogen. Green hydrogen prices are two to four times as high as those of grey and the amount of grey hydrogen produced today is a rounding error. Then why do we care about green hydrogen?
Green hydrogen is clean – it has no greenhouse gas emissions associated to its production. This doesn’t help much if it is far too expensive, but with the falling cost of renewable electricity, the cost of green hydrogen too is falling rapidly. Furthermore, green hydrogen can be produced anywhere there is a (renewable) electricity source and water, making it flexible geographically. Today, one of the largest cost components of hydrogen is its distribution. If an electrolyser enables producing closer to the site of use, significant cost savings can be had, in part offsetting today’s higher cost of production for distributed off-taker.
Cost curves for green hydrogen have been declining rapidly. Initiatives such as the US Department of Energy’s Hydrogen Shot are accelerating this cost decline, pursuing a target of 111 – $1 per 1 kg of hydrogen in 1 decade (by 2030). We anticipate that green hydrogen will be the preferred path for hydrogen manufacture beyond 2030 when costs approach those of grey hydrogen. A major remaining concern is water sustainability issues given the significant water input requirement for electrolysis.
绿氢的成本曲线下降很迅速。美国能源部的Hydrogen Shot等相关举措正加速绿氢成本下降,并争取在10年内(到2030年)实现每公斤氢气成本为1美元的目标。预计到2030年后,当绿氢成本接近灰氢时,绿氢技术将成为制氢的首选。考虑到当前水电解制氢需要大量的水,另一个主要问题是水的可持续供应。
We identified four main types of electrolysers. Without going into the technical details, it is worth being aware of their comparative advantages and disadvantages. Today, alkaline remain the most commonplace but most new projects are PEM. PEM electrolysers have the unique advantage of being able to ramp up and down quickly, making it possible to turn on when there is excess renewable power (the sun is shining or the wind is blowing more than there is demand) and to turn off when there is not.

Green hydrogen cost: Why wind and solar energy change the equation
The extent and speed at which green hydrogen will contribute to decarbonising industry will be driven by the evolution of its production cost. The production cost (also known as levelised cost of green hydrogen production, or LCOH) is dependent on two main factors. One of them is the capital cost of electrolysers discussed above. The second and typically even more important factor is the availability of cheap renewable electricity, which can be broken down into two components: The electricity price and the capacity factor.
The capacity factor represents the percentage of the maximum production capacity of an electrolyser utilized in a given period. The main reason for the capacity factor to be substantially below 100% is the availability and cost of electricity. When connecting an electrolyser to the grid, the capacity factor can be up to 100%, albeit may be lower to avoid buying electricity when it is most expensive. When directly connecting an electrolyser to a renewable power source, the capacity factor can range from ~25% for solar to ~35% for wind to ~100% when using non-intermittent sources of electricity.

To better understand the (different components of) LCOH, we analysed the cost based on three different scenarios (numbers are based on BloombergNEF’s most optimistic estimates):
Solar in United Arab Emirates: ~3ct/kWh at 20% capacity factor
Onshore wind in Brazil: ~2ct/kWh and 40% capacity factor
Hydropower in Iceland: ~4 ct/kWh at 90% capacity factor
阿联酋太阳能:容量系数为 20% 时约为 3ct/kWh
巴西陆上风电:~2ct/kWh 和 40% 的容量系数
冰岛水电:容量系数为 90% 时约为 4 ct/kWh
The below image represents the hydrogen cost and its breakdown in different cost buckets for each of these scenario’s. As visible in the graph, the opex/capex split is highly dependent on the capacity factor. While capex represents ~60% of the cost in the UAE case with 20% capacity factor, only ~25% of LCOH is related to capex in the Iceland case with 90% capacity factor.
下图显示了每种情况下的氢气成本及其在不同成本中的细分。如图所示,运营支出/资本支出拆分高度依赖于容量因素。在容量系数为 20% 的阿联酋案例中,资本支出占成本的约 60%,但在容量系数为 90% 的冰岛案例中,只有约 25% 的 LCOH 与资本支出相关。
To better understand the impact of capacity factor and renewable electricity cost, we ran the numbers in the three different scenarios for a 100MW PEM electrolyser with a CAPEX cost of $1,000/kW (with 8% WACC, 35% BoP, 1.1 installation factor). The below sensitivity table represents the levelised cost of hydrogen production with electricity cost between $1-8 ct/kwh and a capacity factor between 10 and 100%. This cost only represents production and does not take into account any costs for transportation or storage.
为了更好地理解容量因素和可再生电力成本的影响,我们对 100 兆瓦的 PEM 电解槽三种不同情景进行了计算,其 CAPEX 成本为 1,000 美元/千瓦(WACC 为 8%,BoP 为 35%,安装系数为 1.1)。下面的敏感度表代表了氢气生产的平准化成本,电力成本在 1-8 ct/kwh 之间,容量系数在 10% 到 100% 之间。此成本仅代表生产成本,不考虑任何运输或储存成本。

Some key takeaways from the analysis are:
The LCOH is significantly more sensitive to the cost of electricity than the capacity factor (Which is driven by the relative importance of opex versus capex). As electrolysers become cheaper, colocating them with renewable energy assets (with capacity factors of 30-50%) will be an increasingly economically attractive way to produce cheap green hydrogen.
与容量因素相比,LCOH 对电力成本的敏感度明显更高(这是由运营支出与资本支出的相对重要性所驱动的)。随着电解槽变得越来越便宜,将它们与可再生能源资产(容量系数为 30-50%)放在一起是生产廉价绿氢的在经济上越来越有吸引力的方式。
The LCOH of $1.1-6.5/kg of green hydrogen is a wide range though partly overlaps with the $0.7-2.5/kg of grey hydrogen. Electricity prices as low as 3 ct/kWh are needed for green hydrogen to become cost competitive with grey hydrogen. Geographies with cheap renewables will be at the forefront of green hydrogen adoption.
1.1-6.5 美元/千克绿氢的 LCOH 范围很广,与 0.7-2.5 美元/千克灰色氢有部分重叠。绿氢需要低至 3 ct/kWh 的电价才能和灰氢有成本竞争力。拥有廉价可再生能源的地区将处于绿氢采用的最前沿。
It is important to note that these costs are purely the production cost in isolation. Additional costs from compression, liquefaction, storage and distribution are significant for hydrogen and may change the playing field for green. Cost savings from locating electrolysers closer to where hydrogen is used can reduce delivered costs by as much as 50%. We will explore this more in our next article.
需要注意的是,这些成本纯粹是独立的生产成本。压缩、液化、储存和分配的额外成本对氢气来说意义重大,可能会改变绿氢的竞争环境。将电解槽安装在靠近氢气使用地点的地方可以节省成本,可以将交付成本降低 50%。我们将在下一篇文章中对此进行更多探讨。
Cost: Carbon taxes will help favour green but won’t do it on their own
Finally, the cost competitiveness of green hydrogen versus grey hydrogen will improve remarkably if significant carbon incentives become widespread. As grey hydrogen production comes with 9kg CO2 emitted per kg hydrogen produced, grey hydrogen will become more expensive when carbon taxes are factored in. The below graphs illustrate the impact of carbon taxes on grey hydrogen prices compared to the green hydrogen production cost in 2022 and 2030, which is independent of carbon prices assuming the usage of 100% renewable electricity. The assumed electrolyser capex is $1,000/kW and $400/kW in 2022 and 2030 respectively. While carbon taxes will help to improve economic viability of green hydrogen, we need progress in electrolyser costs, efficiency, lifetime as well as increased availability of cheap renewable electricity for green hydrogen to disrupt the industry.

In the long term, green hydrogen is the most promising carbon-free hydrogen production method. The jury is still out on how the transition will look and different technologies might win for different applications.
The availability of cheap renewables will drive adoption of green hydrogen. Electrolysers are expected to be operated flexibly to (1) work with direct connection to renewables without the need for electricity storage (avoiding high costs from using the public grid for electricity distribution), or (2) to take advantage of volatility of prices on electricity market when connected to the grid.
廉价的可再生电力的可用性将促进的绿氢的采用。电解槽有希望灵活运行以(1)直接连接可再生能源,无需蓄电(避免使用公共电网进行配电的高成本),或 (2) 利用接入电网后电力市场价格的波动。
Carbon prices will help favour green over grey but will not move the needle on their own. Electrolyser cost reductions and technology improvements and the continued the deployment of renewables are indispensable for the green hydrogen industry to contribute to a net-zero economy.
Finally, in this article we have looked at production cost in isolation. The ability to deploy electrolysers in a distributed fashion, locating them geographically close to the area of demand may reduce distribution costs significantly, with a potential to reduce the cost of delivered hydrogen by as much as 50%. Watch out for our next article where we dive into hydrogen storage and distribution.


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