你在写邮件时,肯定时常会为如何措辞而发愁。 如何才能有礼节又简洁明了地表达你的意思呢? 其实,只要看看职场老前辈们怎么写就行了。 比如下面这20句职场经典邮件英语: 转发邮件: 1. For your information. (FYI) (请知悉) 2. For your reference. (FYR) (供你参考) 表示同意: 3. I’m fine with it. (我对此没有异议) 4. Noted. (我知道了) 提醒附件: 5. The document is attached. (敬请查收附件) 6. The latest version is attached. (请查收附件获取最新信息) 主动咨询: 7. If you have any problems, please let me know. (如果你有任何问题,请告诉我) 8. Any further questions, please feel free to reach out. (如需更多谘询,请联系我不要客气) 提醒联系: 9. I’ll keep you posted. (我会与你保持联络) 10. Please keep me informed. (请随时告知我) 礼貌催促: 11. Please let me know as soon as possible. (希望尽快告知我) 12. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. (期待能快点听到你的消息) 诚挚道歉: 13. Sorry for the delay in replying your letter. (对于未能及早回复,我们感到很抱歉) 14. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused you. (我很抱歉如果对给你造成了困扰) 友好答谢: 15. Thanks for your help. (谢谢你的帮助) 16. Thanks so much for all your efforts, and congratulations! (感谢你为此作出的努力,恭喜你) 有坏消息: 17. We are sorry to inform you that... (我们很抱歉地通知你) 18. I have some bad news. (我恐怕有一些坏消息) 感谢配合: 19. I/we truly appreciate your understanding. (真心感谢你的理解) 20. Your cooperation is appreciated. (非常感谢你的配合)