可行性研究报告业主提供资料 Detailed information required by FSR 1、建设单位概况 General description of client 2、区域位置图、厂址地形图 Site local and topographic drawings 3、工程地质、气象、水文等资料 Engineering geologic, climate and water information 4、建厂地区交通运输状况 Local transportation conditions 5、工程所包括的范围及生产规模,年操作时间,日操作班制Project scale, capacity, annual working days and shifts 6、建设项目的有关技术资料:工艺流程、物料平衡、原料品种、规格、数量及来源,公用工程配套要求等 PFD, material balance, raw materials kinds, spec, quantity and sources, as well utilities 7、 环保:目的污染物排放点、排放量,处理方法及相关资料 Wastes quantityand management 8、安全卫生:危化品情况、可能产生职业危害情况及有关资料 Dangerous chemicals description 9、能源消耗情况,地方政府节能要求 Energy consumption and energy saving required by authority 10、技术经济Technical analysis 总投资及资金来源、贷款渠道、货款利率偿还方式 total investment and its resource, loan source and price, as wellrefund planning 项目建设进度的意见、每年用款的设想project schedule and yearly current 外购入各种原材料、辅材的价格Priceof out-sourcing raw materials 外购各种能源的价格Priceof out-sourcing energy 产品价格Prices offinished product