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点击数:发布时间:2016-12-06来源:未知摘要: CONTRACT FOR THE SUPPLY OF MECHANIZED EQUIPMENT AND PATENT TECHNOLOGY 本协议于 中国某技术进口公司(系依中华人民共和国法律组建的公司,注册地址; ,以下简称买方)于德国某公司(系依德国法律组建的公司,注册地址: ,以下简称:卖方),通过慎重确

本协议于    中国某技术进口公司(系依中华人民共和国法律组建的公司,注册地址;     ,以下简称买方)于德国某公司(系依德国法律组建的公司,注册地址:     ,以下简称:卖方),通过慎重确切的洽谈,并对合同认真研究核准后,双方签字订立条款如下:
This Contract is made and entered into force this 2nd day of       by and between Technical Import Corporation, a company organized and existing under the laws of the People’s Republic of China with its registered office at      . China (hereinafter referred to as “the Buyer”) and ABC Company, a company organized and existing under the laws of Germany with its registered office at      (hereinafter referred to as “the Seller”). After sound and definite negotiations, the Contract is read and scrutinized carefully, duly signed by the contracting parties and enacted as follows:

1.1 买方同意从卖方购买,卖方同意向买方出售以磷酸盐为原料,采用本合同第10.1条规定的工艺,生产能力为生产黄磷三万公吨和三聚磷酸钠七万公吨的黄磷电炉工厂(以下简称:合同工厂)的设备、材料、设计和技术资料、专利和专用技术许可使用以及技术服务。
The Buyer agrees to buy from the Seller and the Seller agrees to sell  to the Buyer equipment, materials, design and technical documentation, patent and knowhow license, and technical services for a plant with a 54,000 KW phosphorus electric furnace which has a production capacity of 30,000 (thirty thousand) metric tons of yellow phosphorus per year and 70,000 (seventy thousand ) metric tons of sodium tripoly phosphate per year, with phosphate rock as raw material using the Process stipulated in Article 10.1 to the Contract. (hereinafter referred to as “the Contract Plant)

1.2 为使合同工程安全正常运转,卖方负责供应界区范围内除由买方供应(本合同附件Ⅳ规定)以外的全部设备,如加工设备、机械、电气装置、仪表与自控装置、实验室特殊装置施工和安装用的特殊设备及工具、易耗备件及合同工程交接验收后两年正常生产所需的备品备件(以下简称:设备),和全部材料如配管材料、电气装置、仪表与自控装置材料、安装所需的其他材料及润滑剂(以下简称:材料)。由卖方供应的主要设备与材料清单载入附件Ⅲ。合同工程界区范围见本合同附图*1.合同工程连接点见附件Ⅲ。
For safe and normal operation of the Contract Plant the Seller shall supply within the battery limits all equipment, such as process equipment, machinery, electric installation, instrumentation and automatic control systems, special laboratory apparatus, special equipment and tools for construction and erection, easily worn-out spare parts, and spare parts necessary for two-year normal operation after acceptance of the Contract Plant (hereinafter referred to as “Equipment”),as well as materials, such as piping materials, materials for electric installation, for instrumentation and for automatic control system, other materials necessary for erection and lubricants (hereinafter referred to as “Materials”),except those to be supplied by the Buyer (as stipulated in Annex Ⅵ). Details of the major Equipment and the Materials supplied by the Seller are specified in Annex Ⅲ to the Contract. For battery limits of the Contract Plant see attached Drawing No. 1 of the Contract and connecting points are stipulated in Annex Ⅲ to the Contract.

1.3 卖方承担根据本合同附件1规定的设计基础进行合同工程的全部工程设计,但附件Ⅱ中规定由买方负担设计的除外。卖方供应买方全套设计资料和技术资料(以下简称:技术资料)。详见合同附件Ⅴ。
The Seller undertakes to make all the engineering designs of the Contract Plant according to the basis of design stipulated in Annex I to the Contact, except the designs to be performed by the Buyer (as stipulated in Annex Ⅱ). The Seller shall supply to the Buyer complete designs and technical documentation (hereinafter referred to as “Technical Documentation”)Details are stated in Annex Ⅴto the Contract.

1.4 卖方派遣有经验并能胜任的技术人员赴合同工厂,对合同工厂的安装、机械试车、投料试生产与性能考核进行技术指导。其人数、技术服务范围和待遇条件见本合同附件Ⅶ
The Seller shall dispatch their experienced and competent technical personnel to the Contract Plant for technical instructions with respect to Erection, Mechanical Tests, Commissioning and Per5formance Test of the Contract Plant. The number of the personnel and the extent of the services and treatment conditions are specified in AnnexⅦ to the Contract.

1.5 卖方负责培训买方派遣的技术人员,其人数、培训地点、培训内容和生活条件见本合同附件Ⅷ。
The Seller shall be responsible for the training of the technical personnel dispatched by the Buyer. The number of the personnel, training place, the object of the training and living conditions are specified in Annex Ⅶ to the Contract.

1.6 在合同工厂交接验收后15年内,根据买方的需要,卖方同意以最优惠条件,供应买方合同工厂所需的一切设备和材料及备品备件。
Within 15(fifteen) years after acceptance of the Contract Plant the Seller agrees to sell to the Buyer spare parts, as well as all equipment and materials necessary for the Contract Plant according to the Buyer’s necessity on the most favourable terms.

第二章    价格 CHAPTER 2 PRICE
2.1 卖方按本合同第一条第1.2款和1.3款规定的服务和供货的总价,包括专利和专有技术许可使用费,共计    欧元;其中:
The total price of the Seller’s services and supply as per Article 1.2 and Article 2.3 of the Contract including license royalty amounts to      EURO, of which:
(1)设备和材料费用:     欧元;Equipment and materials:     EURO;
(2)  磷炉室钢结构:     欧元;Steel structure for the furnace house:     EURO
(3)供两年正常生产的备品备件:     欧元;Spare parts for two-year operation:     EURO
(4)设计和技术资料费:     欧元;Design and Technical Documentation:     EURO
(5)专利和专有技术许可使用费:     欧元;Patent and knowhow license royalty:     EURO
2.2 上述价格为固定价格。The said price is fixed.
2.3 上述设备和材料以及备件的价格,为汉堡、鹿特丹或神户船上交货价格。
The said prices of the Equipment and Materials and Spare Parts are for delivery FOB hamburg, Rotterdam or Kobe.

2.4 上述设计和技术资料价格,为北京机场交货价格。
The said price of the design and Technical Documentation is for delivery CIF Beijing Airport.

2.5 上述备品备件价格应理解为合同工程交接验收后两年正常运转所需的备品备件的价格。
The said price of spare parts is to be understood for spare parts necessary for two-year normal operation after Acceptance of the Contact Plant.

根据本合同第二章规定,买方将通过北京中国银行,以电汇付给卖方     欧元。具体规定如下:
The Buyer shall make payment of the amount of EURO     as per Chapter 2 of the Contract to the Seller through the Bank of China, Beijing by telegraphic transfer as follows:

3.1 合同总价的    %, 及      欧元,中国银行在收到下列文件后14天内,经审核无误,付给卖方。
    %viz. EURO    within 14(fourteen) days after the Bank of China has received the following documents and found them in order:

The Seller’s proforma invoice in one original and 2 (two) copies covering the total value of the Contract;

An export license issued by the relevant authorities of the Seller’s country, authorizing them to export the Equipment, Materials Patents, Technical Documentation or a certificate stating that export license is not necessary;

(3)德国    银行出具的不可撤销的保证函一份(保证函格式见附件Ⅸ);
An irrevocable letter of guarantee issued by      Bank, Germany (specimen as per Annex Ⅸ to the Contract):

A copy of the Seller’s cable to the Buyer informing that the Seller has obtained the necessary approval from the government authorities;

Sight draft drawn on the Buyer to the Bank of China, Beijing in one original and in one copy.

3.2 合同总价的    %, 即    欧元,中国银行在收到下列文件后20天内,经审核无误,按货物交货的比例付给卖方。
     %viz. EURO    pro rata shipment within     days after the Bank of China has received the following documents and found them in order:

The Seller’s commercial invoice in 4(four) originals covering the value of the delivered Equipment and Materials and the proportional amount for design fee and license royalty;

3(three) full sets of negotiable, clean on board, original ocean Bills of Lading made out to order, blank endorsed, notifying China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation at the port of destination;

(3)装箱单一式四份;Packing list in 4(four) copies;
Manufacturer’s quality certificate of the delivered part of the Equipment and Materials;

Sight draft drawn on the Buyer to the Bank of China, Beijing in one original and in one copy.

基础模板和定距件随第一批货款一起支付。如有迟交罚款,则根据9.6 条规定计算。如买方认为是正当的,可以从下批货物的发票金额中如数扣除。
The templets and spacers shall be paid together with the payment for the first shipment of the Equipment and Material. Penalty, if any, for delayed deliveries shall be calculated as stated in Article 9.6 and may be deducted by the Buyer from the invoice of the next shipment if the Buyer deems in justifiable.

按照4.5 条规定,如在卖方电告备妥装运日30天内,买方船只未能装货,买方应支付80% 发货价值以及按比例的设计资料费和专利使用费的利息,年利为    %。利息自上述备妥日第31天起计算至装运日止。此外,卖方应按4.8 条规定支付仓储和保险费。中国银行在收到按4.8 条规定的发票和文件日后20天内支付利息、仓储费和保险费。
If the vessel is not ready for loading within 30(thirty) days after the date of readiness for shipment as per Article 4.5, the Buyer shall pay interest on 80% (eighty percent) of the shipment value and of the proportional amount of design Technical Documentation fee and license royalty at an annual rate of     % (    percent). The interest will be calculated from the 31st day after the date of readiness for shipment up to the date of actual shipment. Furthermore the Buyer shall pay the storage charges and premium as per Article 4.8.The interest, storage charges and premium will be invoiced and have to be paid within 20 (twenty )days after the date the Bank of China receives the invoice and the documents as per Article 4.8.

3.3 合同总价的    %,即    欧元,中国银行在收到下列文件20天内,经审核无误,付给卖方。
     %viz. EURO    within 20(twenty) days arfter the Bank of China has received the following documents and found them in order.

(1)卖方出具的发票正本一式四份;The Seller’s invoice in 4 (four) originals;
Photostat copy of the acceptance certificate of the Contract Plant signed by both parties;

Sight draft drawn on the Buyer to the Bank of China, Beijing in one original and in one copy;

Liquidated damages, if any, as provided for in Article 9.3 of the Contract may be deducted form the above payment if the Buyer deems it justifiable. In case performance test could not be successfully within period as stipulated in Article 8.9 of the Contract for reasons for which the Seller is not responsible, payment shall be made within 20(twenty) days after the Bank of China has received the Seller’s invoice and sight draft as per Article 3.3.

3.4 合同总价的    欧元,在不早于本合同工厂第一次到达附件Ⅵ规定的质量保证指标的95%以后的12个月,或本合同签署后65个月,根据早到的一个日期计算,中国银行在收到卖方下列单据后20天内,经审核无误,付给卖方。
     %viz. EURO    within 20 (twenty ) days after the Bank of China has received the Seller’s following documents and found them in order, but not earlier than 12(twelve)months after the date the Contract Plant for the first time has reached 9t5% (ninety-five percent) of guaranteed capacity of the whole Contract Plant ac ordering to the guaranteed quality indices as per Annex Ⅵ to the Contract or 65 (sixty –five) months after the  date of signing the Contract, whichever is earlier.

(1)商业发票正本一式四份;Commercial invoice in quadruplicate;
A letter issued by the Seller certifying the expiration of the mechanical guaranteed period, in one original and three copies.

Sight draft drawn on the Buyer to the Bank of China, Beijing in one original and in one copy.

3.5 买方如发现文件有错误时,买方应在中国银行收到卖方文件后20天内电告卖方,并指出错误项目。
In case the Buyer finds any document incorrect the Buyer is obliged to cable the Seller indicating the incorrect items. The cable shall be sent within 20(twenty )days after the Bank of China has received the Seller’s documents.

3.6 买方支付3.1条规定的预付金额时,应将北京中国银行签署的不可撤销的保证函一起交给卖方(保证函格式见附件Ⅹ)。
Together with the advance payment as per Article 3.1, the Buyer shall submit to the Seller the irrevocable letter of guarantee (specimen as per Annex X to the Conotrat) issued by the Bank of China, Beijing.

3.7     银行在无条件收到注明以卖方为受益人的、以欧元无条件支付的款项时,支付即生效。
The payment shall have been effected when     Bank has received the unconditional payment in Deutsche Mark marked with “in favour of the Seller.”

3.8 银行费用及与支付有关的其他所有费用,在买方国内的,应由买方负担;在卖方国内的,应由卖方负担。
The bank commission and all other expenses which arise in connection with the payment in the Buyer’s country shall be borne by the Buyer and those arising in the Seller’s country shall be for the Seller’s account.

4.1 卖方应将本合同规定的设备和材料自合同签字日起第19个月至第27个月内分五批交付完毕,上述交货的总值至少是合同规定的设备和材料总价的98%(备品备件不计在内),在达到上述数值的交货日期应视为最后交货日期,其余的设备和材料应根据合同工厂的建设施工进度,于双方代表商定的时间内一次交付完毕。磷炉室钢结构应于合同签字后第14个月到17个月分两批交付完毕。
The Seller shall complete the delivery of Equipment and Materials under the Contract from the 19the (nineteenth) month to the 27 th (twenty-seventy) month from the date of signing the Contract in 5 (five )lots. The total value of the above-mentioned deliveries shall be 98% (ninety-eight percent) at least of the total contract price for the Equipment and Materials without spare parts, and the delivery date on which the said proportion so the value has been reached shall be deemed as the date of the last delivery. The remaining part of the Equipment and Materials shall be, according to progress of the construction and erection of the Contract Plant, delivered in one lot at a date to be agreed upon by both representatives at the plant site. From the 14th *fourteenth) month to the 17th (seventeenth ) month after signing the Contract the steel structure of the furnace house shall be delivered in two lots.
The spare parts for two-year operation shall be delivered in one lot in the 32nd (thirty-second) month after signing the Contract.
The templets and spacers (if necessary ) for the Equipment supplied by the Seller shall be delivered in one lot at a date to be agreed upon by both parties at the preliminary design meeting.
The Seller shall deliver the Equipment each in a complete unit with its respective special tools, accessories and easily worn-out spare parts (except those for two-year operation).
The delivery schedules of the Technical Documentation are stipulated in Annex V to the Contract.

4.2. 卖方在交付初步设计的同时,向买方提交预计交货计划表。在初步设计会审时,双方商定每批交付的重量百分数和具体时间。
A preliminary delivery schedule shall be sent by the Seller to the Buyer at the time of delivering the preliminary design. During the discussion of the preliminary design the percentage of weight and the time of delivery of each lot shall be discussed.
The final delivery schedule shall be sent by the Seller to the Buyer within 16*sixteen) months after signing the Contract. The final delivery schedule for the steel structure of the furnace house shall be sent by the Seller to the Buyer within 11(eleven) months after signing the Contract. This delivery schedule shall be considered as the final basis for the delivery after the confirmation by the Buyer. The final delivery schedule shall cover item numbers, names of Equipment and Materials, quantity, approximate weight brotto and netto, approximate measurement as well as unit prices for all main 3quipment and machinery, and machinery, and for others, such as electric installations, instrumentation, piping materials, group prices.

4.3 提单日期应视为设备和材料的实际交货日期。卖方供应的设备和材料于汉堡、鹿特丹或神户港口在买方指定的船面上交货,但每批只能在一个港口交货。设备和材料的使用权和风险,在船面交货后立即从卖方转移到买方。空运单或卖方驻地的邮局收据的日期,视为技术资料的实际交付日期。技术资料应由卖方在北京机场交货。
The date of bill fo lading shall be considered as the actual delivery date of the Equipment and Materials. The Equipment and Materials shall be delivered free on board the vessel nominated by the Buyer at Hamburg, Rotterdam or Kobe, each lot at one port only. The properties and risks of the Equipment and Materials shall be transferred from the seller to the Buyer immediately after its FOB delivery. The date of airway bill or receipt of post office at the Seller’s residence shall be considered as the actual delivery date of the Technical Documentation. The Technical Documentation shall be delivery by the seller CIF Beijing Airport.

4.4 技术资料寄出后至迟在24小时内,卖方须将发出日期、航班、空运单号、文件件数、毛重和合同号,以电报通知买方。
Within 24(twenty-four) hours at the latest after sending the Technical documentation the Seller shall inform the Buyer by cable of the date of dispatch, flight number, airway bill number, number of parcels, gross weight and Contract number.

4.5 每批货物备妥待运前至迟45天,卖方应以电报将货物的合同号、备妥日期、近似总毛重、近似总体积以及超过20公吨或体积大于12米×3米×2.7米的每大件货物的近似总毛重、近似总体积及其编号通知买方。
Not later than 45(forty-five)days before the readiness of each shipment, the Seller shall inform the Buyer by cable of the Contract number, the date of readiness for shipment, approximate total gross weight, approximate overall dimensions and item number for each large piece exceeding 20(twenty) metric tons in weight or 12×3×2.7 meters in measurement.
Immediately after dispatching the said cable the Seller shall airmail to the Buyer a detailed list of shipment indicating the names of Equipment and Materials with item numbers, quantity, unit price and total price, approximate gross/net weight of the Equipment and Materials, approximate total volume, approximate total weight, and approximate dimensions of each package, a brief transportation description of the Equipment and Material and a sketch for each large piece exceeding 20 (twenty ) metric tons in weight or 15×3×3 meters in measurement, each in three copies,. The maximum limit of the weight of each inseparable integrated  15×3×3 meters The Seller shall submit to the Buyer 7 (seven) copies of the sketches for those goods exceeding the above-mentioned limits during the design information meeting as stipulated in Article 6.1 and during this meeting the Seller will have to get the confirmation from the Buyer so that the Seller can consider the production of such equipment.

4.6 买方应于船只抵达装货港前15天将船只名称、预计受载日期、船舶代理人以及其他装船的必要事项,以电报通知卖方。卖方可以选择货运代理人执行FOB交货。
15 (fifteen) days before the arrival of the carrying vessel at port of loading, the Buyer shall advise the Seller by cable of the name of the carrying vessel, expected date of shipment, shipping agent and other information necessary for the shipment. The Seller may choose a forwarding agent to perform FOB delivery.
The Seller shall contact the shipping agent and get the goods ready for shipment accordingly. In case of necessity for substitutions of vessel or alteration to the shipping schedule the Buyer of the shipping agent shall timely advise the Seller to this effect.

4.7 买方船只抵达装运港而卖方未能及时装船时,买方由此遭受的空仓费、滞期费及其他费用,均由卖方负担。卖方收到船舶公司出具的有关单据后,20天内核实支付。
In the event of the Seller’s failure in effecting shipment upon the arrival of the Buyer’s vessel according to the shipping schedule at the loading port, all expenses including the dead freight, demurrage and other charges thus incurred shall be for the Seller’s account. After the Seller receives the relative documents issued by the shipping company, the Seller shall pay to the Buyer within 20(twenty) days.

4.8 如买方船只不能在4.5条规定的货物备妥待运日后30天内抵达装货港口,上述期限内有关仓储费和保险费等由卖方负担。但自第31天起所发生的仓储费和保险费由买方负担。在提出仓库收据的副本及仓库和保险公司签字的原始发票以后,买方在20天内核实支付。
If the Buyer’s vessel fails to arrive at the loading port within 30(thirty) days after the date which has been stated in the cable as per Article 4.5 as date of readiness for shipment, the storage charges and premium incurred within the period shall be borne by the Seller, by the storage charges and premium incurred form the 31st day shall be borne by the Buyer and paid within 20(twenty )days after presentation of a copy of warehouse receipt, and an original invoice of the warehouse and insurance company signed by the warehouse and insurance company respectively.
However, the Seller shall be still responsible for their own expense and risk to load the Equipment and materials on board the carrying vessel immediately after her arrival at the loading port according to the Buyer’s instructions.

4.9 卖方应在每批货物装船后48小时内,将提单日期和号码、船名、总价、总重、总件数和合同号,以电报通知买方。
Within 48(forty-eight) hours after the completion of each shipment the Seller shall inform the Buyer by cable of the date and number of bill of lading, name of the carrying vessel, total weight, total number of cases and contract number.

4.10 卖方应随船提交目的港所在的对外贸易运输公司以下单证副本各一份。
The Seller shall submit along with the carrying vessel to the Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation at the port of destination the following documents each in one copy.
(1)提单;Bill of Lading;
(2)商业发票;Commercial Invoice;
(3)装箱单;Packing List;
(4)质量证书。Quality Certificate.
Furthermore the Seller shall send to the Buyer by airmail within 2(two) weeks after having, on the basis of FOB, delivered the Equipment and Materials, the above documents in 3(three) copies and within 6(six) weeks after FOB delivery inspection and test reports as well as detailed records of the ex-work inspection issued according Article 7.2, each in 3 (three) copies.

4.11 卖方应在每批技术资料发出后3天内,将下列单证航寄买方。
Within 3 (three) days after the delivery of the Technical Documentation, for each lot, the Seller shall airmail to the Buyer the following documents;

(1)空运提单副本一份;I(one) copy of the airway bill;
(2)技术资料清单三份。The list of Technical Documentation in 3(three) copies.

5.1 设备和材料应根据其形状和特点仔细恰当地包装,包装完善而且坚固,适于长途海陆运输,耐多次搬运。卖方应按不同特点和要求特别注意防潮、防雨、防锈、仿腐蚀和防震,以确保设备和材料安全到达厂地,并在储存半年内不生锈和腐蚀。买方应根据5.3条规定及卖方的储存和运输说明书,对货物妥善地搬运储存。由于卖方的过失造成设备和材料的任何损坏,将由卖方修理或更换;若因卖方过失所引起的损坏,应由买方自费处理。
The Equipment and Materials shall be carefully and properly packed in the best and stable condition according to the figures and characteristics of the Equipment and Materials so as to withstand long distance sea and inland transportation and numerous handlings, specially due attention shall be paid by the Seller to preventing damage from moisture, rain, rust corrosion and shock according to the different characteristics and requirements in order to ensure their safe arrival at the plant site and to be in store for half a year without rust and corrosion. The Buyer shall handle and store the goods properly according to the requirement given in Article 5.3 and Seller’s storage and transportation instructions. Any Equipment and Materials which are damaged due to the Seller’s fault shall be repaired or replaced by the Seller. The damage due to the Buyer’s fault will be settled by the Buyer at his own expense.

5.2 卖方对各包装箱及捆内的各散装部件,须系加标签,注明合同号、主机名称、部件名称和该部件在装配图上的位号。对备品备件,除注明上述内容外,尚须注明“备品备件”字样。
Loose accessories packed in cases and in bales will be labeled by the Seller indicating contract number, name of main machine, name of accessories and its part number on the assembly drawing .Spare parts shall be marked with the words “Spare Parts” besides the above particulars.

5.3 卖方就在每件货物包装的四个邻接侧面上,用不褪色的油漆,以明显的英文印刷以下标记:
The Seller shall mark the following on each package of the four adjacent sides with indelible paint in conspicuous English printing wording:
(1) 合同号;Contract Number;
(2)唛头标记;Shipping Mark;
(3)设备名称及序号;Name of Equipment’s and Item Number;
(4)箱号/件号;Case Number/Bale Number;
(5)收货人/代号;Consignee Codes;
(6)目的港;Port of Destination;
(7)毛/净重(公斤);Gross/Net Weight(in Kg.);
(8)尺寸(长、宽、高以厘米表示);Measurement (length, wight height in cm.)
(9)重心。Centre of Gravity.

According to the equipments characteristics and different requirements of each 3equipment, the case shall be conspicuously and separately marked with “Handle With Care”, “Right Side Up”:, “Keep Dry”, etc in English language and/ or with appropriate illustrative marks in order to prevent the possible breakage.
Regarding the unpacked goods, metal labels with marks as stipulated above shall be put on each side of it, or marks with indelible paint shall be put on both sides or on both ends of the package.
Each piece, weighing 5 tons or more, shall be marked further with the hosting position in order to facilitate loading discharge and handling.

5.4 每箱货物内附有以下单据:Enclosed in each case shall be the following documents;
(1)装箱单副本一式二份;Two copies of the Packing List;
Two copies of Quality Certificate issued by the manufacturers.

5.5 卖方提交的技术资料,应采用适合于长途运输、多次搬运和防潮、防雨的妥善包装。每一包装件的封面及内部,须以英文标明下列内容:
The Technical Documentation delivered by the Seller must be properly and stably packed to stand numerous handling long-distance transportation, moisture and rain. The surface and inside of the package should be marked with the following in English;
(1)合同号;Contract Number;
(2)唛头标记;Shipping Mark;
(4)重量(公斤);Weight(in kg.)
(5)箱号/件号。Case/Bale Number.
Each parcel of Technical Documentation shall enclose a list of detailed contents in two copies.

6.1 本合同签订后6至8周,双方应在中国举行设计条件会议。在会议期间,双方将就合同工厂条件、布局总图、各个装置的初步布置草图及合同第4.5条规定的超大件设备交货等有关技术问题进行讨论。双方应共同努力,争取会议在两周内完成,并签署设计会议协议书。
A design information meeting shall be hold by both parties in China within 6-8 weeks after signing the Contract. Technical problems related to design information, general plot plan of the Contract Plant, preliminary layout sketches of different plants , delivery of oversize equipment according to Article 4.5, etc. will be discussed by both parties during this meeting. Both parties shall make joint efforts to end the meeting and sign a design information meeting protocol within two weeks.

6.2 卖方在本合同签订后一个半月内,提交为设计本合同工厂所采用的卖方国家全部现行标准和规范。这些文件应尽量采用英文本,其余部分为德文本。卖方自费将上述标准和规范一式六份航寄买方。在初步设计会议期间,买方将对卖方所提出的标准和规范中有不适合中国具体情况的地方提出意见,经双方共同协商后进行修改。
The Seller shall within one and a half months after signing the4 Contract deliver all existing standards and codes of the Seller’s country for the design of the Contract Plant. These documents shall be delivered in English as far as possible, and the rest in German. The Seller shall airmail at his own expense to the Buyer the said standards and codes in 6 (six)copies. The Buyer will put forward their comments upon any of these standards and codes which are not applicable to the actual conditions in China at the preliminary design meeting, and these shall be altered through mutual consultations between both parties.

6.3 本合同签字后提交初步设计前,买方有权自费派遣设计联络人员在卖方设计室与卖方技术人员研究与本合同有关的各种技术问题,了解设计情况,与卖方交换有关设计意见。卖方应安排他们在专利所有者的同类工厂进行参观,参观的目的是为了使买方人员对这些工厂有一个详细的了解。卖方应协助安排他们的生活和工作,而且免费提供全部所需技术资料、图纸及办公室。
After signing the Contract and before the delivery of the preliminary design, the Buyer shall have the right to send at his own expense his design liaison personnel to the Seller’s design office to study with the Seller’s technical personnel various technical problems in relation to the Contract, to see into the state of design work and to exchange views on the design with the Seller. The Seller shall also arrange their visits to the Licensor’s Plant similar to the Contract Plant. The purpose of these visits is to give the Buyer’s personnel a detailed understanding of these plants. The Seller shall assist them in arranging their living and working and provide them free of charge with all necessary technical documentation, drawings and office rooms in the Seller’s office.

6.4 本合同签字后第8个月末和第9个月末,卖方按照附件Ⅴ的规定分两批向买方提交土建设计用的初步资料,第9 个月末提交初步设计。卖方将于合同签订后第10个半月自费派遣技术人员到中国,对本款所述资料进行技术解释。初步设计的审批,将在双方共同努力下于上述人员到达中国后一个月内完成,并由双方签订协定书作为最终设计的依据。
The Seller shall submit to the Buyer at the end of the 8th and 9th month after singing the Contract the preliminary information of civil engineering in two lots as specified in Annex V to the Contract and at the end of the 9th month the Preliminary design. Furthermore in the first half of the 11th month after signing the Contract the Seller shall dispatch at his own expense technical personnel to China to give technical explanation of the above-mentioned information. The review and approval of the preliminary design shall be reached through efforts of both parties within one month after the arrival of the Seller’s personnel, and a protocol shall be signed between both parties as the basis for the final design.

6.5 本合同签字后14个半月内,买方将土建初步设计资料和图纸二套分批航寄卖方。卖方在合同签字后16个半月内分批确认买方土建图纸,并提交土建最终设计条件资料。
Within 14(fourteen) and a half months after signing the Contract, the Buyer shall airmail to the Seller in different lots two sets of preliminary civil engineering design information and drawings. Within the first half of the 17th month after signing the Contract, the Seller shall confirm the civil engineering drawings in different lots presented by the buyer, and submit the final information of civil engineering to the Buyer.

6.6 若需要,在本合同签字后第18个月,卖方将自费派遣技术人员到中国,就买方的的最终土建设计进行讨论,若需要对最终土建设计条件做更改,双方对其结果应在协议书中签署同意。买方的图纸须盖章注明“双方同意”,并签署实际日期。
If necessary, the Seller shall send in the 18th month after signing the Contract at his own expense technical personnel to China to discuss the Buyer’s final civil design and if there are revisions regarding to the final information of civil engineering, both parties shall discuss and reach an agreement on the consequences thus incurred in a protocol. The drawings of the Buyer will be sealed and marked “Approved by both parties” and stamped with actual date.

6.7 本合同附件Ⅴ中第5.5条所规定的最终设计,应由卖方于本合同签字后第17个月到第20个月内分三批提供。技术资料的其余部分,卖方于本合同签字后第27个月以前分三批提供。卖方应于本合同签字后第22个月自费派遣技术人员到中国进行最终设计会议,对最终设计进行讨论和解释。买方有权提出修改意见,经双方协商一致后,由卖方修改。双方应尽力在本合同签字后23个月内完成此项工作。
The final design documentation as specified in Article 5.5 of Annex V to the Contract shall be delivered by the Seller in 3(three) lots within the 17th -20th month after the signing of the Contract; and the remaining part of the Technical Documentation shall be delivered by the Seller in 3(three) lots not later than the end of the 27th month after the signing of the Contract. The Seller shall dispatch at his own expenses his technical personnel to China in the 22nd month after signing the Contract to have a final design meeting to explain and discuss the final design. The Buyer shall be entitled to make proposals for modification, while the Seller shall carry out the modifications on and agreement by both parties. Both parties shall make their efforts to accomplish this work within 23 months after signing the Contract.

6.8 由卖方提供的技术资料须满足成功地进行安装、机械试车、投料试生产、正常安全生产以及维修的需要。如发现不足和错误之处,卖方应立即对技术资料进行相应更正、改进或补充,并应不影响合同工厂的施工进度。如在运输过程中,技术资料丢失或损坏,卖方须在收到买方通知后30天内免费再次提供。
The Technical Documentation submitted by the Seller shall meet the requirements for successful erection, mechanical tests, commissioning, normal and sale operation, as well as maintenance,. Should any deficiency or error be found, the Seller shall make corresponding corrections of, improvements on or supplements to the Technical documentation without any delay, and this shall not affect the progress of the construction of the Contract Plant. Should the Technical Documentation be lost or damaged during transportation, the Seller shall supply them free of charge within 30 (thirty) days after receiving the Buyer’s notification.

6.9 由卖方提供的技术资料应以英文书就,一式六份,图纸为一式九份,二底图为一式二份,度量衡和标准一律采用公制。
All Technical Documentation submitted by the Seller shall be written in English in 6(six) copies by t in 9(nine) copies for drawings and 2(two) reproducible copies. All dimensions and standards shall be in metric system.

6.10 对于买方按合同附件1规定所提供的设计基础和补充资料,卖方除了为履行本合同向有关当局和分包商提供有关资料外,不得以任何方式向第三方披露。
The Seller shall not, in any form, reveal to a third party the design basis and supplementary ones submitted by the Buyer according to the stipulations of Annex I to the Contract, unless it is necessary for the Seller to submit to his proper authorities and subcontractor the relevant data required for the execution of the Contract.

7.1 买方同意卖方按照卖方国家的标准和规范对卖方所供应的设备和材料,进行设计、选材、制造以及检验和试验。在本合同签字后一个半月内,卖方应将上述标准和规范一式六份,自费航寄给买方。这些文件应尽量为英文本,其余为德文本,并分别注明设备和材料的编号。在初步设计会议期间,买方应对上述标准和规范提出意见,经双方协商后的最终决定,将作为检验和试验设备和材料的依据。
The Buyer agree that the Seller will carry out the design, selection of material, manufacturing, inspection and test of the Equipment and Materials supplied byt he Seller according to the exiting standards and codes of the Seller’s country. Within one and a half months after signing the contract the Seller shall airmail at his own expense to the Buyer the said standards and codes in six copies. These documents shall be delivered in English as far as possible and the rest in German. The standards and codes shall be with indication of item numbers of the Equipment and Materials. The Buyer shall put forward his comments with reference to the submitted standards and codes during the preliminary design meeting and the final agreement reached between both parties through discussion shall be regarded as the basis for the inspection and test of the Equipment and Material.

7.2 卖方对其供应的全部设备和材料进行检验;质量合格证、检验和试验记录应由制造厂或卖方出具,并将这些文件提供给买方作为本合同规定的质量保证的证明书。设备和材料检验与试验的全部费用,应由卖方负担。
All the Equipment and Materials supplied by the Seller shall be inspected by the Seller and quality certificates and inspection and text records shall be issued by the manufacturers or the Seller. Theses documents shall be delivered to the Buyer as certificates of quality guarantee in accordance with the Contract. All expenses involved in the inspection and text of the Equipment and Materials shall be for the Seller’s account.

7.3 买方有权自费派遣技术人员到卖方国家,会同卖方代表一起在制造厂车间对设备和材料的质量进行检验和试验。在初步设计会议时,双方应确定需共同检验的设备。卖方在第一台主要设备装配和准备好前两个月将检验和试验日期通知买方。买方在收到卖方通知后一个月内,将其确定的检验人员名单通知卖方,以便卖方协助办理买方检验人员的签证手续。如果在收到卖方通知后,买方检验人员在设备和材料的检验与试验已准备就绪而未能按时出席时,则卖方有权自行进行检验和试验。若必要,买方检验人员也有权会同卖方进行除主要设备和材料外的其他设备和材料的检验和试验。
The Buyer shall be entitled to send his inspectors at his  own expense to the Seller’s country to join the Seller’s representatives in the quality inspection and text of the Equipment and Materials in the manufacturers Workshops. The Equipment to be jointly inspected shall be fixed between both parties at the preliminary design meeting. The Seller shall notify the Buyer of the date of the inspection and test two months prior to the assemble and readiness of the first main equipment; The Buyer shall within one month after receiving the Seller’s notice inform the Seller of the list of his appointed inspectors so as to enable the Seller to render assistance in obtaining their visa. In case the Buyer’s inspectors are not present in time when the Equipment and Materials are ready for inspection and text after receiving the Seller’s notice, the Seller shall have the right to carry out the inspection and test independently. When necessary, the Buyer’s inspectors also have the right to join the Seller in the inspection and test lf equipment and materials other than the main ones.

The Seller shall provided free of charge Buyer’s inspectors with working facilities, all necessary technical documentation, drawings, test rooms, instruments and tools for their inspection and test work. The Buyer’s inspectors have the right to put forward their opinions for improvement, if they find that the Equipment and Materials do not comply with the quality standards and codes stipulated in Articles 7.1 and 9.1 of the Contract. The Seller shall give full consideration to the opinions of the Buyer’s inspectors and make every endeavour to assure the quality of the Equipment and Material.
The quality inspection and test jointly conducted by the Buyer’s and the Seller’s inspectors before delivery shall not substitute the inspection and text at the plant site.

7.4 卖方供应的全部设备和材料须在厂地进行检查和核对,并在必要时按7.1条规定进行试验。卖方有权自费派遣其检验人员,赴现场参加检查、核对和试验。卖方在每批货发货前两个月,通知买方是否参加该批货检验。买方收到通知后至少在开箱检验前20天,将检验日期通知卖方,并为卖方检验人员提供检验工作的便利条件。这种检验应按照设备和材料按照的需要在厂地进行,并须得到双方厂地代表的同意。
All the Equipment and Materials supplied by the Seller shall be inspected and checked at the plant site and when necessary, tests stipulated in Article 7.1 shall also be carried out. The Seller shall be entitled to send his own inspectors at his won expense to the plant site to take part in the inspection, check and test. The Seller shall notify the Buyer two months prior to each shipment whether his inspectors will join in the inspection of the shipment. The Buyer after receiving the notice shall inform the Seller of the date of inspection at least 20 days before the date of open-package inspection and shall also render convenience to the Seller’s inspectors in their inspection work.
Such inspection shall be performed according to the requirements of the erection of the Equipment and Materials at the plant site and shall be mutually agreed upon by the representatives of both parties at the plant site.
Should any shortage, missing, damage or cases which are not in conformity with the quality standards stipulated in Articles 7.q and 9.1 of the Contract be found of the delivered Equipment and Materials during the open-package inspection, check and test in the presence of the representatives of both parties, a detailed record shall be made and signed by them. This record shall be taken as an effective evidence for the Buyer to claim replacement(s), repair or supplement from the Seller, in case the Seller is responsible.
If owing to the Seller’s reason the seller will not be able to take part in the inspection, check and test, or owing to the late coming of the Seller’s inspectors, after receiving the Buyer’s notice, the Buyer shall have the right to open the package and conduct the inspection and test independently. Should any shortage, missing, damage or cases which are not in conformity with the quality standards provided for in Articles 7.1 and 9.1 of the Contract be found, a certificate shall be issued by China Commodity Inspection Bureau as an effective evidence for the Buyer to claim replacement(s),l repair or supplement fro, the Seller, in case the Seller is responsible.

第八章 合同工厂的安装、机械试车、投料试生产、考核和交接验收

8.1 定义:definitions:
”Erection Tests” refers to running of a singles or a series of machines and equipment with electricity, nitrogen, water, air or other media if necessary.

“commissioning” refers to the running of the Contract Plant with raw materials, chemicals and utilities in order to produce yellow phosphorus and sodium triployphosphate.

“Performance Test” refers to the tests for fulfilling the guarantee indices.

“Acceptance “refers to the acceptance of the Contract Plant by the Buyer.

8.2 合同工厂的安装、机械试车、投料试生产和考核,应在买方的领导下和在卖方的技术指导下进行。具体工作的组织和安排由双方人员在厂地进行讨论和决定,以缩短安装及机械试车的时间(预计时间为17个月),并使合同工厂在本合同签字后40个月内建设完毕。
The Erection, Mechanical Tests, Commissioning and Performance Test shall be carried out under the leadership of the Buyer and the technical instructions of the Seller. Detailed organization and arrangement shall be discussed and fixed at the plant site by the personnel of both parties so as to shorten the time for Erection and Mechanical Tests (Estimated erection time is 17 months,) and to complete the construction of the Contract Plant within 40(forty ) months after signing the Contract.

8.3 在安装工作开始前,卖方技术人员应审核土建工程和详细介绍安装方法与要求。在安装期间,卖方技术人员应给予技术指导和协助,以使安装圆满完成。
Before the erection work is started, the Seller’s technical personnel shall review the civil work and give detailed description of the methods and requirements of the Erection, and during the Erection they shall give technical instructions and assistance so as to complete the Erection satisfactorily.
During the Erection the Seller’s technical personnel shall take part in the inspection and test of Erection quality of all the Equipment. Each party shall authorize one representative to deal with all technical matters in connection with the Contract Plant during the period from Erection up to the Acceptance of the Contract Plant. Should any difference arise between the representatives of both parties, it shall be settled through friendly negotiations. In case no settlement can be reached, it shall be reported to the higher authorities of both parties for settlement.

8.4 安装完毕后,在双方代表认为工作完全符合技术资料的要求时,双方代表应共同进行检验和机械试车。
After the accomplishment of the Erection, the representatives of both parties shall conduct inspection together and carry out Mechanical Tests when they think the work is done fully in conformity with the requirements of the technical Documentation.
If the Erection has been finished and the Mechanical Tests successfully performed and the construction is found fully in conformity with the requirements of the Technical Documentation, a certificate for the completion of the Erection shall be signed by the representatives of both parties at the4 plant site,. The date of signing this certificate shall be deemed as the date of the completion fo the Erection and Mechanical Tests of the Contract Plant. But this certificate shall not set free the Seller from his responsibility specified in Chapter 9 of the Contract for the defect of the Equipment and Materials found during the period of Commissioning and Performance Test.

8.5 本章第8.4条规定的机械试车完成后,应进行投料试生产。开始投料试生产的日期应紧接在安装和试车完成后,日期由双方确定。
After the Mechanical Tests stipulated in Article 8.4 of this Chapter are completed , the commissioning shall be carried out. The date of starting Commissioning shall follow immediately after the completion of the Erection and Mechanical Tests. This date shall be fixed by both parties.
Before the4 commissioning, detailed procedures of the Commissioning and Performance Test such as instrument calibrating, items of recording, sampling methods and analyzing methods which are necessary for the Commissioning and Performance Test, shall be submitted by the Seller and discussed and agreed upon by the representatives of both parties. Before the Commissioning, the ?Buyer shall make available the personnel for operation, maintenance and testing and all raw material, chemical, power and other utilities in the required quantity and quality as per Annex I to the Contract.
The Commissioning period shall be 5(five) months and according to the progress of the Commissioning, the date of the Performance Test shall be fixed by both parties. The Seller notify the buyer in advance of the date on which the Performance Test will be carried out and both parties shall make their best efforts to realize that date.

8.6 考核应在卖方技术人员指导下进行,以证明本合同附件ⅤI规定的保证指标。保证指标包括生产能力、质量原料和公用工程消耗及炉渣中五氧化二磷的含量。合同工厂考核期为不间断、正常运转、连续三天(72小时)。在考核期间,合同工厂须达到附件Ⅵ所规定的全部保证指标。
The Performance Test shall be carried out under the instructions of the Seller’s technical personnel in order to prove the guaranteed indices specified in Annex Ⅵ to the Contract. The guaranteed indices comprise those of production capacity, quality consumption of raw materials and utilities and P2O5 content in the furnace slag. The period of the Performance Test of the Contract Plant shall be 3(three) consecutive days (72 hours) of normal operation without interruption as defined in Annex Ⅵ to the Contact. During the Performance Test period, all the guaranteed indices shall be reached as specified in Annex Ⅵ to the Contract.

8.7 每次考核结果应在议定书中加以记载,并由双方代表在考核完成后两天内签字。如属卖方过错,致使第一次考核未能通过时,卖方应尽快在双方同意的期限内对设备合同材料或设计进行必要的修改,修改后重新按照本章8.6条进行考核。上述修改,如需在现场进行,当卖方要求时,买方应尽力协助,但修改或更正所需全部费用由卖方负担。经过修理或更换的设备,由卖方在买方指定的中国港口交付。
The results of each Performance Test shall be recorded in a protocol and signed by the representatives of both parties within two days after the completion of the Performance Test. In the event the first Performance Test has not been successfully carried out due to Seller’s fault, the Seller shall make necessary modification to the Equipment and Materials or design as soon as possible within the time limit agreed upon by both parties. After making the modification, the Performance Test shall be carried out again in accordance with Article 8.6 of this Chapter. If it is necessary to make any of the above-mentioned modifications at the plant site, the Buyer shall make his best endeavours to give his assistance when requested by the Seller,. However, all cost for performing the modifications or corrections shall be borne by the Sheller. Should it be necessary to send back to Germany any equipment for repair  or replacement, all transport cost and cost of repairing or replacement shall be borne by the Seller. The replacement or repaired equipment shall be delivered by the Seller at the Chinese seaport designated by the Buyer.
If all the guaranteed indices stipulated in AnnexⅥ to the Contract are fulfilled in the Performance Test period specified in Article 8.6 of the Contract, a certificate of acceptance of the Contract Plant shall be signed by the representatives of both parties within five days in four copies for each party. This shall be deemed as the Acceptance of the Contract Plant by the Buyer.

8.8 若在本章8.5条规定的5个月投料试生产期以内,本合同附件Ⅵ所规定的保证指标有部分或全部未能达到时,双方应会同研究,找出原因,澄清责任,并按下列规定处理。
If the guaranteed indices stipulated in AnnexⅥ to the Contract are not fulfilled partly or wholly within 5(five) months for Commissioning specified in Article 8.5 of this Chapter, both parties shall jointly make investigations to find out the reason, to clarity the responsibility and to settle it as follows:
If due to the Seller’s reason the guaranteed indices are not fulfilled,the Buyer shall agree to an extension of 7(seven)months of Commissioning to make corrections and have further Performance Tests. Should the Performance Tests still fail again within these 7(seven) months. Article 9.3 of the Contract shall be applied. During the extra period of 7(seven) months the expenses for the Seller’s technical personnel, which is daily remuneration, shall be borne by the Seller himself.
If the non-fulfillment of the guaranteed indices is due to the Buyer’s reason, the Commissioning period shall be extended for 7(seven) months. During this period all the expenses of the Seller’s technical personnel shall be for the Buyer’s account. The number of the Seller’s personnel shall be discussed and fixed by both parties. In case the guaranteed indices still cannot be reached due to the Buyer’s fault within the period of this further 7(seven) months of Commissioning, the Contract Plant shall be accepted by the Buyer and an Acceptance certificate shall be signed by both partied  at the end of the above-mentioned 7(seven) months.

8.9 若由于非属卖方的原因,不同的四次考核均发生中断,双方的现场代表将讨论并决定下一步工作如何进行。由于非属卖方的原因,4.1条规定的最后一批交货后26个月考核不成功时,合同工厂即视为买方所验收。如果最后一批交货的船只,由于买方的原因而迟到,上述26个月则按最后一批交货装船备妥日期起计算。
If 4(four)different Performance Tests are interrupted for reasons for which the Seller is not responsible, the representatives of both parties at the plant site shall discuss the matter and determine some further stops to be taken.
In case on successful Performance Test can be done up to 26(twenty-six) months after the last delivery as stipulated in Article 4.1 for reasons for which the Seller is not responsible, the Contract Plant shall be regarded as accepted by the Buyer. If, however, the vessel for the last delivery is delayed owing to the Buyer’s decision, the above period of 26(twenty-six) months shall be calculated from the date the last delivery is ready for shipment.

The Acceptance of the Contract Plant stipulated in a Articles 8.7,8.8 and 8.9 of the Contract shall not set free the Seller from his responsibility for the Equipment and Materials of the ?Contract Plant during the mechanical guaranteed period.

9.1 卖方保证合同工厂的技术水平是签订本合同时专利权所有者的同类工厂中最先进、最成熟的技术。设备和材料的质量是卖方国内最优良的,符合工艺和长期使用的要求。为了成功地进行合同工厂的安装、机械试车、投料试生产、考核,以及正常安全运转和维修,卖方需提供完整的和正确的技术资料。
The Seller guarantees that the Contract Plant possesses the most up-to-date and well proven technology of the licenser’s relevant plants available at the date the Contact is signed, that Equipment and Materials are of the best quality in the Seller’s country and that the Equipment supplied complete with the requirements of process technology and long-term operation. The Seller shall supply complete and correct Technical Documentation in order to carry out successfully the Erection, Mechanical Tests, 、commissioning, Performance Test, normal and safe operation and maintenance of the Contract Plant.

9.2 在合同工厂的建设、安装、机械试车、投料试生产和考核过程中,若由于卖方技术资料的错误,或由于卖方技术人员的指导错误所造成的损失,由卖方负责赔偿,即对设备和材料进行必要的修改、修理、更换或补齐。在进行安装、械试车、投料试生产、考核时,若因卖方人员指导错误造成买方人员伤亡事故,卖方须承担责任,对这类事故应由双方协商解决。
The damages occurred in the course of construction, Erection, Mechanical Tests, Commissioning and Performance Test of the Contract Plant, due to mistakes of the Seller’s Technical Documentation or due to incorrect instructions of the Seller’s technical personnel shall be remedied at the Seller’s own expense in such a way that the Equipment and Materials will be corrected, repaired, replaced or completed, whichever necessary.
In case any of the Buyer’s personnel is seriously injured or loses his life during the Erection, Mechanical Tests, Commissioning and Performance Test due to faulty instructions of the Seller’s personnel, the Seller shall bear the responsibility. As to these accidents, the problem should be solved through discussion between both parties.
In case defects of the Equipment and Materials have been found during Erection, Mechanical Tests, Commissioning and Performance Test, the defects will be checked by both parties. If the Seller is accountable for the defects then the Seller shall correct or repair them or replace the defective equipment or material at his own expense. If the Buyer is responsible for the defects, then the Seller will help to remove in and if it is necessary to replace the defective equipment or material, the Buyer shall be responsible for the expense.
In case the Seller is responsible to remove the defects the Buyer shall supply to the Seller on his request necessary personnel, erection tools, cranes, etc., for performing the removal of the defects. The cost thus incurred shall be borne by the Seller. The removal of defects shall be performed as quickly as  possible and the Seller shall do his best not to affect the progress of the construction of the Contract Plant.

9.3 罚款的计算 Penalty Calculation
Under the technical conditions of normal operation of the Contract Plant according to the Seller; s documentation, the Seller guarantees that capacity, quality, consumption of raw materials and utilities and P2O5 content in the furnace slag shall reach the indices stipulated in Annex Ⅵ to the Contract. If the specified indices can not be reached during the Performance Test in accordance with Article 8.8 of the Contract due to the reasons of the Seller, the following shall apply:
(1)若生产能力低于生产能力保证值的95%,卖方自费对合同工厂进行改造,使生产能力达到至少为生产能力保证值的95%;若生产能力低于生产保证值的100%,而高于95%,卖方可自费对合同工厂进行改造,直至到达100%,或按每降低1%的生产能力向买方赔偿合同总价的   %(黄磷产量按总价80%计,三聚磷酸钠产量按总价20%计)。
If the production capacity is lower than 95%(ninety-five percent) of the guaranteed capacity, the Seller shall improve the Contract Plant at his own expense until it reaches at least 95%(ninety –five percent ) of the guaranteed capacity and when it is lower than 100% but over 95%, the Seller shall have the choice either to improve the /Contract Plant at his own expense until it reaches 100% or indemnify the Buyer, for every 1% lower , by     % of the total Contract Price (80% contract price of phosphorus and 20% contract price of sodium tripolyphosphate).

(2)如果质量达不到保证指标,卖方自费在12个月内采取一切措施,使其达到保证指标。但到如此时间结束而保证指标仍未达到,卖方须向买方支付合同总价    %的罚款,黄磷质量按总价80%计算,三聚磷酸钠质量按总价20%计算。
If the quality of the product cannot reach the guaranteed indices, the Seller shall take every measure to reach the indices within 12 months at the Seller’s own expense. However, if the guaranteed indices still cannot be reached at the conclusion of the aforesaid period, the Seller shall pay to the Buyer a penalty, of     % out of 80% of the Contract Price in the case of phosphorus and      % out of 20% of the Contract Price in case of sodium tripolyphosohate.

If the consumption indices of raw materials and utilities cannot reach the guaranteed indices, the penalty shall be the value of surplus consumption of one year production, but compensation in monetary value between over-consumption and under-consumption of raw materials and utilities are allowed. However, the consumption of electric phosphorus furnace power can not be compensated by under-consumption of other utilities. For the calculation of the penalty and the reimbursement, the following prices shall be applied:

(4)当炉渣中五氧化二磷含量得不到保证指标,卖方应自费在12个月内采取一切措施达到此指标。如果在上述时期结束时,仍达不到保证指标,卖方付给买方    欧元的罚款。
9.4 卖方提供的设备和材料的机械保证(正常消耗的易耗材料除外);
If the P2O5 content in the furnace slag cannot reach the guaranteed index, the Seller shall take every measure to reach the incex within 12 months at his own expense. However, if the guaranteed index still cannot be reached at the conclusion of the aforesaid period, the Seller shall pay to the Buyer a penalty of EURO     .

9.4 卖方提供的设备和材料的机械保证(正常消耗的易耗材料除外):
Mechanical guarantee for the Equipment and Materials supplied by the Seller, except consumable materials in normal consumption:

Provided that operation and maintenance of the Equipment and Materials of the Contract Plant are done according to the Seller’s Technical Documentation, the guaranteed period shall be 12 months from the date on which for the first time the Contract Plant has reached 95% of the guaranteed capacity indices according to the guaranteed quality indices as per Annex Ⅵ to the Contract or 65 months after the date of signing the Contract, whichever id earlier. The guaranteed period for the repaired parts of replacement of the Equipment and Materials shall run for 12 months from the date of their being put into production or after they arrive at the Chinese seaport assigned by the Buyer or Beijing Airport, if necessary. Due to the Seller’s negligence, should the installed equipment in part or in whole cease functioning or require repair or replacement, then the guaranteed period shall be extended correspondingly, provided such stoppage exceeds 14 days. The Buyer is obliged to notify the Seller immediately by cable of the newly arising circumstances which may result in an extension of the guaranteed period. If the Buyer fails to give such notice, he shll have no right to claim an extension of the guaranteed period. The Buyer shall notify the Seller immediately by cable of any defect of the Equipment and Materials during the mechanical guarantee period, and the Seller shall without delay cable the Buyer whether he will send personnel to the plant site for investigation or the Buyer will entrust the China Commodity Inspection Bureau to investigate the causes of the defect.

If it can be proved that the Seller is responsible for the defect, the Seller shall bear thte cost for dispatching personnel to the plant site for investigation. During the above-mentioned guaranteed period if any defect is found in the Equipment and Materials involving the responsibility of the Seller, the Seller shall at his own cost repair or replace the defective parts of the Equipment and Materials within the period agreed upon by both parties. The replacements of the equipment and Materials shall be delivered CIF. Chinese port assigned by the Buyer. If any such defect still remains after repair or replacement, both parties will discuss the matter for settlement.
With regard to minor defects of the Equipment and Materials for which the Seller is responsible, the Buyer may arrange for repair or replacement at the Seller’s expense with the consent of both parties.

9.5 若卖方要求,买方应将更换下的设备或材料交由卖方处理,买方应协助卖方获得必要的从中国再输出的许可。
On request of the Seller, the Buyer shall put the replaced parts of the Equipment and Materials at the Seller’s disposal. The Buyer shall assist the Seller in Getting the necessary approval for re-exportation from China.

9.6 迟期交货 Delay in delivery
(1) 由于卖方的原因,致使设备和材料不能按本合同第四章规定的最终交货计划交货时,卖方向买方按下述支付迟期交货罚款。
在1至8周内,每延期一周,罚款为迟交设备和材料价款的     %;若超过8周,每延期一周罚款为迟交设备和材料价款的     %。
If owing to the responsibility of the Seller, the Equipment and Materials have not been delivered according to the final delivery schedule mentioned in Chapter 4 of the Contract, the Seller shall pay to the Buyer a penalty for such delay in delivery at the following rates:
For each of the first eight weeks,    % of the valve of the equipment and materials delayed;
For each week thereafter,    % of the valve of the equipment and materials delayed;
For thte delayed items, the Buyer will make an effort to ensure that shipment can be effected with the first vessel going to China after the readiness for shipment.

The Seller shall have to deliver the Technical Documentation on the schedule in order to ensure that the construction schedule of the Contract Plant will not be affected.

9.7 卖方按9.6条交付罚款后,并不能解除卖方交货的义务。卖方按第九章规定交付罚款后,买方不再对考核中的未达到的保证指标或迟期交货,提出其他要求。
The payment of the penalty as per Article 9.6 shall not release the Seller from his obligations of delivery. By paying penalties in a way as stated in Chapter 9 the Seller is free from any further claims by the Buyer on account of non-fulfillment of the guaranteed indices found during Performance Test or for delay in delivery.

9.8 卖方交付设备和材料及技术资料,如果有可能延期,应立即将可能拖延的时间与促进交付所采取的各项措施,尽快通知买方。若属卖方原因,延期交货超过6个月以上,买卖双方通过协商达不成协议时,买方有权全部或部分撤销本合同。
The Seller shall inform the Buyer as soon as possible of the possibility of any delay in delivery of Equipment and Materials and of Technical Documentation, possible length of time to be delayed and the measures being taken to expedite the delivery. When the length of delay in delivery  due to the responsibility of the Seller is over 6 months, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract wholly or partially provided no agreement can be reached through negotiation between both parties.

9.9 在机械保证期满后30天内,买方以电报向卖方提出要求仍然有效。
Claims by the Buyer shall be still effective when they are sent by cable within 30 days after the expiration of the mechanical guaranteed period.

9.10 按9.3和9.6条规定,卖方向买方支付的罚款总额,不应超过第二章所列合同总价
的     %。
The total sum of penalty as provided for in Articles 9.3 and 9.6 shall not exceed      % of the total Contract price as per Chapter 2 of the Contract.

9.11 卖方对任何间接损失或不属于合同工厂的其他损失,例如生产损失,不符责任。
The Seller shall not be liable for any indirect or any other losses occurred not related to the Contract Plant, e.g. loss of production.

10.1 卖方向买方提供非独占的专利许可,以及在中国为设计生产能力为54,000千瓦电炉、年产3万公吨黄磷和7万公吨三聚磷酸钠的下列工艺使用权:
The Seller hereby grats the Buyer the non-exclusive  license to use in China the following process technology of a 54,000 KW phosphorus electric furnace with a capacity of 30,000 metric tons/ year of yellow phosphorus and 70,000 metric ton/year of sodium tripolyspate:
以磷矿石烧结磷酸盐; production of sinterphosphate from phosphate rock;
production of elemental yellow phosphorus by reduction of sinterphosphate;

Production of phosphoric acid by combustion of elemental yellow phosphorus and hydration of the phosphorus pentoxide;

废水处理。Waste water treatment.

All the above processes together are called “process” in the Contract.

10.2 本合同签字后一个半月内,卖方向买方提供德国有关当局颁发的有关上述工艺的全部专利证书影印本一式二份。
Within one and a half months after signing the Contract the Seller shall submit to the Buyer Photostat copies of  the certificates of all the patents pertaining to the above-mentioned processes which are issued by the competent authorities of Germany.

10.3 若在中国任何第三方对买方使用本工艺提出任何异议时,有关事宜由卖方或买方处理;若任何第三方对买方使用本工艺在中国以外提出任何异议时,有关事宜由卖方处理。
Should any dispute arise in China from any third party due to use of the Process by the Buyer, the Seller or the Buyer shall handle the matter. Should any dispute arise outside China from any third party due to use of the Process by the Buyer, the Seller shall handle the matter.

10.4 在合同工厂交接验收以前,卖方须将有关本工艺的改进和新情况提供给买方。
The Seller shall inform the Buyer of improvement and new information of the Process up to the Acceptance of the Contract Plant.

10.5 在合同签字后12年内,买方不得全部或部分地披露按合同所获得的关于工艺的专有技术、技术资料和其他情况。但买方有权将上述内容提供给本合同工厂或与本合同工厂有关的人员。对本工艺的专有技术、技术资料和其他情报已经公开的部分,买方不再承担保密义务。
Within 12 years after signing the Contract the Buyer shall not disclose in whole or in part the knowhow, Technical Documentation and other information of the Process

10.6 专利和专有技术、技术资料以及其他情报,只用于合同工厂的建设、生产和维修。
The Patent, knowhow, Technical Documentation and other information are to be used only for the construction, operation and maintenance of the Contract Plant.

10.7 本合同取消或提前终止,均不影响履行10.5和10.6 条规定的义务。
The obligations contained in Articles 10;5 and 10;y6shall neither be affected by the liquidation of the Contract nor by a premature termination of the same.

11.1 在本合同执行期间,如果发生不可抗力事故,如火灾、战争、地震、台风(风暴)、水灾等时,双方应协商解决。
Should any case of force majeure happen such as fire, war, earthquake, typhoon (windstorm), floods during the term of the Contract, it shall be settled  through negotiation between both parties.
Should any such case happen, the party concerned shall inform the other party by telegram within one week and airmail a certificate issued by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in China or a competent Chamber of Commerce in Germany within 3 weeks following the occurrence of the event of force majeure.
The party concerned shall not be held responsible for any delay or failure in performing any or all of the obligations due to the event of the force majeure. However the party shall have to proceed with his obligations immediately after the date the event of force majeure had ceased or the effects have been removed and the term of the Contract shall be extended correspondingly.
In case the duration of force majeure event exceeds 6 months, both parties shall discuss the4 problem of how to fulfill the Contract. If no agreement can be reached, the case should be settled by arbitration according to the provisions of Chapter 12.

12.1 双方若因本合同发生争议,应通过友好协商解决。如果达不成协议,则提交仲裁。
Should there be any disputes between the parties in connection with the Contract, they should be settled amicably. In case no agreement can be reached, the matter in dispute shall be finally decided by arbitration.

12.2 仲裁在瑞典斯德哥尔摩按瑞典仲裁程序进行。
The arbitration shall take place in Stockholm, Sweden and it shall be performed in accordance with Swedish arbitration procedure.

13.1 在卖方国家内,与订立和履行本合同有关的税费、关税和其他一切费用,均由卖方负担。
All taxes, customs duties and all other dues arising in the country of the Seller in connection with the conclusion and performance of the Contract shall be borne by the Seller.

13.2 在买方国家内,与订立和履行本合同有关的税费、关税和其他一切费用,按照中华人民共和国有关税法缴纳。
Taxes, customs duties and all other dues arising in the country of the Buyer in connection with the conclusion and performance of the Contract shall be paid according to the relevant tax laws of the People’s Republic of China.

第十四章 有效期 CHAPTER 14
14.1 本合同规定的双方的权利和义务,自双方签字后立即生效,但若合同需政府批准,在合同签字后45天内,双方在获得各自政府当局批准后,彼此再电报确认。
The rights and obligation of both parties to the Contract shall be effective immediately after the Contract is signed by both parties. However, if the Contract has to be approved by their governments, each party shall confirm to the other by cable within 45 days after signing the Contract that all necessary approvals are obtained from their respective government authorities.

14.2 本合同签订前所有口头和书面声明、文件和信件等,在本合同签字后即告失效。
All prior oral and written statements, documents, letters and the like between the parties shall become null and void after the signing of the Contract.

14.3 本合同正本一式四份,以英文书就,买卖双方各执两份。
The Contract is made out in four originals in English language, two originals are for the Buyer and two for the Seller.

14.4 凡对本合同的修改和/或补充和/或变动,须以书面形式并经双方授权代表签字后,作为本合同的组成部分。
All amendments and/or complements and/or alterations shall be made in writing and signed by the authorized representatives of both parties, after which they shall become integral parts of the Contract.

14.5 本合同附件与附图均为本合同的组成部分。
Annexes and Drawings of the Contract are integral parts of the Contract.

14.6 双方约定,任何一方事先未得到另一方的同意,不得将本合同项下的任何权利或义务转让或转移给第三方。
Both parties agree that no assignment or transfer of any right or obligation under the Contract shall be made by one party to a third party without the prior written consent of the other party.

14.7 双方执行合同的一切信件以英文书就,一式三份。
All correspondences between both parties for the execution of the Contract shall be in English in three copies.

14.8 每一方将协助对方为执行本合同人员办理出入境签证及膳宿。
Each party shall assist the other to obtain entry and exit visa and personnel accommodation in their respective countries for visits in connection with the Contract.

14.9 执行本合同期间的证书、协议书、会议纪要等副本,在双方签字后立即交给对方。
Copies of original certificates, protocols or minutes of meetings, ect, established during the execution of the Contract5 shall be handed over to both parties immediately after mutual signature.

买方 (签字):                                    卖方(签字):
The Buyer: (Signature)                               The Seller: (Signature)


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