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四方技术转让合同 中英文









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发表于 2023-11-24 01:21:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
This Technology Assignment Agreement isentered into by and among the four companies A, B, C and D, and is effective asof ___.      
A, B C and D are sometimes referred toherein individually as "Party" and collectivelyas  "Parties".   
D provided funding to C for development ofcertain aspects of such technology, received an undivided interest therein andmay provide funding to C in the future.   
C assigns its right in such technology andcertain future technology to E which assigns its rights to A.   
Upon the terms set forth herein, A desiresto assign to B such technology while retaining certain license rights thereinand to license such retained license rights to C and D.
B agrees to acquire from A such technologysubject to ___.
C acknowledges that any new technology thatit discovers or develops in the Field (as defined below) during the term of theagreement (with or without funding from B or others) is assigned to B pursuantto the terms set forth herein.
Agreement      协议
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of theforegoing and the mutual covenants contained herein, the Parties agree asfollows:
1.         Definitions:Unless otherwise defined in this Agreement, the following capitalized termsshall have the following meanings:      
"Affiliate" means a person orentity that, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries,controls, is controlled by or is under common control withD.   
For purposes of this definition,"control" shall mean the direct or indirect ownership of more thanfifty percent of the voting stock, equity and income interest of the entity,including the possession, directly or indirectly, to direct the management andpolicies of the entity.   
any patent application claiming aninvention useful in the "Field" that was made, conceived or reducedto practice, in whole or in part, prior to the date hereof or at any timeduring the term of the agreement at C's place by X or any person working in hislaboratory or under his supervision;    在本合同签订日之前或在协议期限内的任何时间,部分或全部在丁方方由X本人或在X实验室工作或X指导下的他人产生、构思或完成的,在“领域”内使用的发明所产生的任何专利申请;
any patent application which claimspriority, directly or indirectly, to a patent application described in clause(m);      
any division or continuation, in whole orin part, of a patent application described in clause (m);](m)项中描述的专利申请的任何部分或全部的分案或延续申请;
all foreign patent applicationscorresponding to the patent applications described in clause (m);
all issued and unexpired patents resultingfrom any patent application described in clause(m);      
all issued and unexpired reissues,reexaminations, renewals or extensions that may be based on any of the patentsdescribed in clause (m), and any supplemental protection certificates,substitutions and registrations regarding the foregoing;   
Patent Rights shall not include any patentapplication (and any patent issuing thereon) solely claiming a future inventionthat was made, conceived and reduced to practice solely with funding from theChinese government and as to which, by law or Chinese government regulations,the Chinese government shall have sole and exclusive ownership rights.
"Related Technology" includes,without limitation, information, data, ideas, inventions, instructions,processes, formulae, methodologies, know how, other materials, copyrights andother intellectual property rights.  
"Territory" means, with respectto clause (m), any country of the world and with respect to clause (n), thecountry of China only.      
2. Assignment. Subject tothe License Rights, A hereby sells, assigns, transfers and conveys to B all ofA's interest in, and rights under, the agreement and all rights, title andinterest in and to the Patent Rights and Related Technology, whether nowexisting or hereafter arising. including all inventions,invention disclosures and discoveries described in any of the Patent Rights;all rights to apply in any or all countries of the world for patents,certificates of invention or other governmental grants or issuances of any typerelated to any of the Patent Rights and the inventions, invention disclosuresand discoveriestherein;                  
all causes of action (whether known orunknown or whether currently pending, filed or otherwise) and other enforcementrights under, or on account of, any Patent Rights, Related Technology or any ofthe foregoing, including, without limitation, all causes of action and otherenforcement rights and remedies of any kind for past, current and futureinfringement or misappropriation;
rights to collect royalties or otherpayments under or on account of any of the Patent Rights, Related Technology orany of the foregoing;
3. Cooperation.  Upon Bs request, A, C and D shall each executeand deliver, and shall cause E and the inventors or developers of any of thePatent Rights and Related Technology to execute and deliver, such otherinstruments and perform such other acts and things as may be necessary ordesirable to evidence or effect the assignments.
File, prosecute, maintain, defend andenforce the Patent Rights. Defend and enforce the rights related to the RelatedTechnology.      
Any future patent applications covering anyPatent Rights that are first filed in China, before the filing of any foreigncounterparts in another country, shall be filed in the names of C and B, asapplicants, and thereafter an assignment to B exclusively shall promptly befiled with the Chinese patent office; and provided, further, that all foreigncounterparts, including the PCT application, shall be filed in the name ofB.  
4. Exclusive License(Alternative).  In the event any Patent Rights or Related Technologyis not assignable or otherwise transferable, in whole or in part, pursuant toSection (m) to B by operation of any laws in China, then, subject to the LicenseRights, A hereby grants to B an irrevocable, exclusive, fully paid up,royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide license (including the right to sublicense)to make, have made, use, develop, sell, offer to sell, export and importproducts or services under or using any Patent Rights or Related Technology,and to modify, practice or reproduce any Related Technology, to the extent suchPatent Rights or Related Technology is not assignable or otherwise transferableand shall effect and perfect such license rights in compliance with applicablelaws in China.  The foregoing license is exclusive even as toA.  
5. Retention of License Rights, the licenserights are not for other commercial or for-profit entities, services,activities, or purposes; In the event of a pandemic or other national emergencyin China, it is recognized that the Chinese government may, by governmentaction in accordance with Chinese law, have the power to elect to use thePatent Rights and Related Technology in China or to require that license rightstherein be given to or shared with other Chinese entities for use inChina.  
A shall promptly provide to B a copy(together with an English language translation) of any amendment or notice oftermination of the licenses.
6. Sublicensing.  C shall nothave the right to sublicense its License Rights, which have been granted to itunder Section (m).        
D may sublicense its License Rights thatare described in Section (m) only to an Affiliate of D so long as the Affiliateremains an Affiliate of D and shall not sublicense its rights to any otherparty.  丁方可以将第(m)节中所述的“许可权”再许可给其“关联企业”,只要该“关联企业”一直保持为丁方的“关联企业”,且该“关联企业”不得将该许可权再许可给其它方。
D may sublicense its License Rights thatare described in Section (m) to any party.  No permitted sublicenseeshall have the right to further sublicense its rights.
All permitted sublicenses shall be in writing,and shall be subject to and consistent with the terms of Sections m through n
7. The License Rights shall be terminableat B's option.  D shall promptly provide to B a copy of eachsublicense of its License Rights; provided, however, that the financial termscontained therein may be redacted from the copy. if providing such a copy isnot permitted by D's sublicense agreement because of a mutual nondisclosureagreement between D and the sublicensee, D shall promptly provide B with awritten description of the scope, territory, amendment of scope/territory andtermination of each sublicense and the name and address of eachsublicensee.
For the avoidance of doubt andnotwithstanding the sublicensing of its rights and obligations hereunder, D andA shall remain responsible for the full and complete performance of all of theobligations of D and A with respect to the License Rights.   
8. Confidentiality.  D and C, aslicensees of the License Rights, shall keep confidential and not disclose thePatent Rights and Related Technology, except to the extent that any informationtherein is in the public domain or becomes generally available to the publicthrough no fault of theirs or is required to be disclosed to comply withapplicable law, regulations or court order (provided advance notice is given toB); provided, however, that D may disclose information to the extent necessaryto make, use or sell products outside the Field under its License Rights, orsubject to obligations of confidentiality and nondisclosure, to sublicenseesand prospective sublicensees of Ds License Rights.      
9. Publication. C and Xshall have the right to publish or present information (including posters at aconference) related to the Related Technology (but not copies of any patentapplications, in whole or in part), provided such publication or presentationdoes not disclose confidential or proprietary information of B and suchpublication or presentation (and any revisions thereto) is submitted to B atleast one month prior to submission of such proposed publication orpresentation.  Upon notice by B that B reasonably believes a patentapplication relating to an invention should be filed prior to the publicationor presentation or that B desires to offer comments or suggested changes to thepublication or submission, submission of the publication or presentation may bepostponed at the request of B, but in no case longer than twomonths.      
10. Infringement.  If C, D or Abecome aware of any alleged or threatened infringement of the Patent Rights, itshall promptly notify B.  B, at its sole discretion, shall have thesole and exclusive right to enforce the Patent Rights.    Provided,however, that in the event there is an alleged or threatened infringement ofD's exclusive license rights that are described in Section (m), then B and Dshall confer regarding all available evidence of the infringement and themanner of addressing such infringement.
B shall keep D promptly informed of anyaction brought against such infringer and allow D, at its own expense, to joinsuch action, and B shall have the right to retain all damages awarded in suchaction after the reimbursement of each party's reasonable attorneys'fees.       Provided, further, that in theevent B has not brought an infringement action within sixty days after noticefrom D of such alleged or threatened infringement, then D shall have the right,but not the obligation, to take such action with respect to such infringement(but not infringement outside of the rights that are described in Section(m)).  
For the avoidance of doubt, B has the soleand exclusive right to enforce the Patent Rights in the Field.
11. Indemnification.  Each of Dand A shall indemnify and hold harmless B, its employees, officers, directors,shareholders and agents from any liability for damage to or loss of property orinjury to or death of any persons arising out of the possession or use of thePatent Rights or Related Technology pursuant to the LicenseRights.   
Upon receipt by B of any claim or suit withrespect to which it is to receive indemnification hereunder, B shall promptlynotify D or A, as the case may be (together with D, an "Indemnitor"),and permit the Indemnitor to handle and control the defense of such claim orsuit.  The Indemnitor shall have the full right to settle such claimor suit, but no settlement shall be made which does not include anunconditional release of all claims against B without B's prior writtenconsent.   
B shall indemnify and hold harmless C, D, Aand their employees, officers, directors, shareholders and agents (each an"Indemnitee") from any liability for damage to or loss of property orinjury to or death of any persons arising out of the possession or use of thePatent Rights or Related Technology by B and not by another party pursuant tothe  License Rights.
12. Termination.  B shall havethe right to terminate the License Rights if A commits a material breach ofthis Agreement.
B has the right to terminate Ds License Rights in the event that D,depending on the situation, is in material breach of any of the terms of itsLicense Rights, any of its obligations under this Agreement or any of itsrepresentations and warranties made in this Agreement, provided such breach isnot cured within forty five days after receipt of notice thereof fromB.     
13. Disclosure.  C shall ensurethat X and other inventors or developers of the Patent Rights and RelatedTechnology are available to B, at no charge, for such reasonable periods ofconsultation and at such times as are mutually convenient; provided, however, areasonable fee may be charged by C for extra consultation that may occur afterthe term of the Agreement or with respect to information and materials forwhich consultation has previously been provided if the extra consultation isnot pursuant to the Agreement.   
14. PAYMENT.  Within fifteen daysof the delivery to B of product pursuant to Section (m) and properdocumentation for such delivery satisfactory to B, B shall pay to A the amountof Three Hundred Thousand United States Dollars.   
It is recognized and agreed that, by virtueof Section (m) (if applicable), B has all rights, at its expense, to file,prosecute, maintain and defend the Patent Rights and, subject to certain rightsgranted in Section (n), to enforce the Patent Rights; provided, however, that Bwill first file patent applications for China in the names of C and B asrequired by Section (m).     B has all rights to bringan action against any party that may misappropriate the Related Technology.
合同方承认并同意,根据第(m)(若适用),乙方有权维持 “专利权”,就“专利权”提出申请、审查授权或进行抗辩,以及受限于第(n)节授予的某些权利,乙方有权执行“专利权”,有关费用由乙方支付,但前提是乙方将首先按第(m)节的规定以丙方和乙方的名义提交中国专利申请。乙方有权对可能非正常使用“相关技术”的任何方提起诉讼
15. Representations andWarranties.  C and D each hereby jointly and separately representsand warrants to B as follows; provided, however, that any representations andwarranties by C as to Ds matters and by D as to C's matters shall be limited to theknowledge of such matters by C or D, as the case may be.      
16. Organization.  A is a companyduly formed, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of thejurisdiction of its formation.  C is a public institution of highereducation in good standing under the laws of China.      
17. Authority.  Each of A, C andD has full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and perform itsobligations hereunder.       Consents.  Each of A, C and D has received all consent, approvals andauthorizations required from third parties (including any governmentalauthorities) to enter into this Agreement, perform its obligations hereunderand, in the case of D, make the assignments contained herein.   
18. Title.  A owns the entireright, title and interest in and to the Patent Rights and Related Technology,including, without limitation, all right, title and interest to sue forinfringement thereof.  The Patent Rights and Related Technology are,and shall be kept, free and clear of all liens, claims, mortgages, securityinterests or other encumbrances, except the License Rights.There are noactions, suits, investigations, claims or proceedings threatened or pendingthat relate to the Patent Rights or Related Technology.  There are noexisting contracts, agreements, options, commitments, proposals or offers withrespect to the Patent Rights or the Related Technology, except the LicenseRights     
19. No Restrictions onRights.  Except for the License Rights, no licenses, interests orother rights in or to any of the Patent Rights or Related Technology have beenor shall be granted or retained by A, C, D, or any prior owners or inventors.  Bwill not be subject to any covenant not to sue or similar restrictions on itsenforcement or enjoyment of the Patent Rights as a result of any priortransaction related to the Patent Rights or RelatedTechnology.   
20. Prior Assignments.  TheAssignment Agreement is valid, binding and enforceable in accordance with theirterms, is in full force and effect, and has not been amended or modified in anyway.  No breach, default or claim under the Assignment Agreement hasoccurred.
True and complete copies of the executedAssignment Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibits M. 附件M是已签署的“转让合同”的真实完整副本。
21. No Conflicts.  The execution,delivery and performance of this Agreement by each of A, C and D will notconflict with or violate any applicable laws, regulations or governmentalapprovals and will not conflict with, violate or breach or constitute a defaultor require any consent under any of its contractual obligations; provided,however, that the Chinese government may have rights to future inventions made,conceived and reduced to practice by C with funding from the Chinesegovernment.  
22. Third Parties.  A is notaware of any third parties who may have misappropriated or otherwise taken orare using the Related Technology or who would be infringing the Patent Rightsif the patent applications included in the Patent Rights were issued as patentswith their current claims in all countries of the world.  No thirdparty has alleged that it has an interest in the Patent Rights or RelatedTechnology.  No third party has alleged that the development,manufacture, use or sale of products based on the Patent Rights or RelatedTechnology has violated or would violate any intellectual property rights ownedor controlled by such third party.  
X and all other persons working in hislaboratory or under this supervision have assigned their interest in the PatentRights and Related Technology to B and are obligated to cooperate and assist inthe protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights related to thePatent Rights and Related Technology.  All material information anddata with respect to the Patent Rights and Related Technology have beendisclosed to B.     
23. Patentability.  A is notaware of any information or reason that would prevent the patent applicationsincluded in the Patent Rights from issuing as patents in their current form or,if issued as patents in their current form, would make the issued patentsinvalid or unenforceable.       可获得专利。甲方不知晓任何可能阻碍“专利权”中的专利申请在当前形式下被授予专利的信息或原因,或者如果该专利申请在当前形式下被授予专利,甲方不知晓使该专利无效或是不可执行的信息或原因。
24. Enforceability.  ThisAgreement constitutes a valid and binding obligation of A, enforceable inaccordance with its terms.   
B may disclose such information to theextent necessary to make, use or sell products in the Field or subject toobligations of confidentiality and nondisclosure, to actual or prospectiveinvestors, licensees, assignees, partners or other professional advisors.
25. Governing Law.  This Agreement shall begoverned by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State ofCalifornia (without reference to its choice of law principles).  Eachparty shall not commence or prosecute any action, suit, proceeding or claimarising under or by reason of this Agreement other than in the state or federalcourts located in California and hereby consents to the jurisdiction and venueof such courts located in California for such action, suit, proceeding or claimby a Party.   
26. Assignment.  No Party may assign or transfer thisAgreement or any rights or obligations hereunder without the prior writtenconsent of the other Party, except that a Party may make such an assignmentwithout the other Party's consent to an entity that acquires all orsubstantially all of the business of such Party, whether in a merger,consolidation, reorganization, acquisition, sale or otherwise.  ThisAgreement shall be binding on the successors and permitted assigns of eachParty.  Any attempted assignment in violation of this Section (m)shall be null and void.      
27. Relationshipof Parties.  The Parties are independentcontractors.  Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to createa partnership, joint venture, employment or agency relationship between oramong the Parties.  No Party shall have any authority, and shall notattempt, to assume or create any obligations on behalf of another Party or tobind another Party.   
Waiver.  Nowaiver by a Party of any breach or default of any of the provisions of thisAgreement shall be deemed a waiver as to any subsequent or similar breach ordefault.      
28. Severability.  If any one ormore of the provisions of this Agreement are held to be invalid orunenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction from which no appeal canbe or is taken, the provision shall be considered severed from this Agreementand the Parties shall make a good faith effort to replace such provision with avalid and enforceable one such that the objectives contemplated by the Partieswhen entering this Agreement, as evidenced by the terms of this Agreement, maybe realized.      
29. Entire Agreement;Amendment.  This Agreement, including its exhibits, constitutes theentire agreement among the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereofand merges and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements, understandings,negotiations and discussions.  No oral explanation or oralinformation by a Party shall alter the meaning or interpretation of thisAgreement. No amendments or modifications of this Agreement shall beeffective unless made in a writing signed by authorized representatives of allParties.   
30. Sections.  The sectionheadings contained in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shallnot affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of thisAgreement.   
31. Review of Agreement.  ThisAgreement has been submitted to the scrutiny of each of the Parties and theircounsel and shall be given a fair and reasonable interpretation in accordancewith the words hereof, without consideration or weight being given to its beingdrafted, in whole or in part, by or for one of the Parties.   
32. Notices.   Any notice orother communication required or permitted to be given to a Party pursuanthereto shall be sufficiently given if delivered personally or by facsimile orexpress courier service (expenses prepaid) to the address set forth below or tosuch other address as the Party shall designate by written notice given to theother Party.      
All notices, information, reports and othercommunications in connection with this Agreement shall be inEnglish.     
33. Counterparts.  This Agreementmay be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed anoriginal, but all of which together shall constitute one and the sameinstrument.
34. Arbitration.  Any dispute,controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement (a"Dispute") which cannot be amicably settled shall be referred toarbitration held in London, England under the Rules of Conciliation andArbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, to the exclusion of anyother forum, before a panel of three arbitrators appointed in accordance withsuch rules.     
Each Party shall bear its own expenses inconnection with any such arbitration.  The costs and expenses of thearbitration shall be borne by the Parties to the arbitration equally unless thedetermination by the panel of arbitrators includes an award of costs, in whichcase expenses shall be borne in accordance with suchaward.     
The decision and award of the Court ofArbitration shall be final and conclusive upon the Parties in lieu of all otherlegal, equitable or judicial proceedings between or among them, and any suchaward or decision may be entered as a judgment and enforced in any court havingjurisdiction over the Party against whom enforcement is sought.
In no event shall a demand for arbitrationbe made after the date when institution of a legal or equitable proceedingbased upon such claim, dispute or other matter in question would be barred bythe applicable statute of limitations.
35. Bankruptcy.  In the event Bis declared bankrupt or insolvent by a court of competent jurisdiction, thePatent Rights and Related Technology shall be reassigned toA.   
36. Overdue Payments .  Anypayments under this Agreement that are overdue shall be charged interest at theprime rate as quoted by the Bank of America on the first business day of eachmonth plus two percentage points or the maximum permitted by applicable law,whichever is less.  
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have causedthis Agreement to be made and executed by their duly authorized officers as ofthe date first above written.


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